A safe and easy way to pay or get paid to meet– book a meeting with Opt.
Opt is an easy way to pay someone to meet with you or get paid to meet with someone. The application works around someone’s most important asset– their time. Through Opt, you earn benefits across the knowledge and insight of the right people you need.
While talking to a lot of people, we found a couple of things. We are all really busy and we all value our time. But what’s interesting is that we rarely put a value ON our time. It’s kind of hard to do. There’s an app to rent out your house, your car, or sell just about anything, but nothing for our time.
So how does it work?

Are You the One Getting Paid?
If you are an influencer, expert, coach, consultant, or therapist, you know people are constantly reaching out to you for your time. With Opt, you simply respond by sending them a link that gives them your availability, your calendar, and how much you charge.
Now, the ball is in their court. Opt handles the booking, the scheduling, the confirmation, and even the awkward conversation around asking someone for money for your time.
Are You the One Paying?
Let’s say the shoe is on the other foot. Maybe you’re a salesperson or you’re looking to get the opinion of a certain expert, you can reach out to them respectfully and make an offer to pay them a certain amount for their time. The beauty is they don’t get the money until they uphold their end of the bargain and show up at the meeting.
We’d love to hear how you would use Opt, click the “Join Opt” button below for FREE and EARLY access to this tool releasing later this summer. Opt is an online service for monetized meetings founded in 2022 by Connor Dehlin. The app’s users have different backgrounds but all need to schedule meetings. It allows users to find, schedule, and book appointments.